Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bmo An' Pmo

BMO from Adventure Time has to be one of the cutest characters around these days. So I figured I would draw him/her/it. The reverse therefore is PMO.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Golly, long time no post eh? Busy busy busy!

So, for those of you who don't already know, I love Bone. Oh. Yes. Haha. You Sir/Madame are what is commonly referred to as a genius. Well done you.

Here. Have a banana.


No, I actually do love Bone* and Jeff Smith is nothing short of a cartoon God, even if he wears his influences very obviously on his sleeve. His work speaks for itself and is so full of movement, contemplation, subtlety and wit that it is almost heartbreaking in places.

Bone was/is a landmark achievement. It was also in black and white. Like all the best comics are. Moody! :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Pass It To The Left

So a bit of a quick and cheap one today. Although, maybe not? Quick sure, but I think there is some stuff here I can dissect. Basically, I think it is this. My right hand, therefore left brain, is lazy. It's had it too good for too long, so that now, when it is given ever a simple task, like squares for instance, it'll just wander away half way in, and start to make it's own shape. The left, who has a lot more work to do to prove it's worth, stayed pretty constant. A bit sloppy right at the end, but that's cool.  I'm proud of you left! I'll make sure your side gets killed by most of the wine tonight! :D

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Flippin' Figures

So it is becoming rather obvious, that in the last few days, I have become a tad obsessed. Which is fine. Any art you pursue should be that way. It's like falling in love. The most amazing part of this though, is that for one of the very first times, I am finding that with these images, when they are flipped, they are, to my eye anyways, just as good. For some this is nothing special. For others maybe a slight rise in the "Oh cool-o-meter" and for some, maybe, it is fantastic. Maybe those people have been there before. I hope so cause it's fun.

This is number four folks. Lets make it to five on Monday :)

(I know I said ix-nay on the ritque-cay, but anyone seriously have any comments, form, function, line, weight, content, context or anything....go for it)

Man Oh Man

Anyone else remember that horrible HORRIBLE show from the 80's? Guh.....I think I need to go have a shower :/

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Go Figure 3: Army of Darkness

I am REALLY enjoying these figures. I might follow this on further. See where it goes. Obviously not a left/right drawing. Just flipped again. I'll post an actual study later today.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Go Figure...again.

I was rather pleased with my figure drawing yesterday, and so today attempted another. Unfortunately I have run out of time to do the flipped version. So I figured I would just flip the right version and see how the images looks. Always a good exercise, which I have seen other artists employ, and one I have only recently begun to do for myself.